"Alien: Covenant" is the 8th movie in the Alien saga (depending on what you consider canon) and serves as the sequel to Prometheus and the prequel to the original Alien. Although it provides fans and audiences with some cool visuals and tightly edited horror sequences, it ultimately feels like a painful rehash of the previous movies that came before it. Also the script and characters are really really dumb.
Every twist and turn can be detected light years away, and everything bad that ends up happening to the characters could've easily been avoided if there was at least one person on board who would maybe consider wearing a space helmet when wandering into a planet they had literally no reason to be on (there's a reason but I'm not buying it). For a movie that spends a lot of its time pontificating on humanity's place in the universe, there was no humanity to be found in its human characters. Thank goodness Michael Fassbender is a good enough actor to carry the entire film. Imagine if he wasn't in it… then I don't know what else there would be to actually enjoy. Also there are two Michael Fassbenders, so that's a bonus.
Whatever that was mildly clever about Prometheus has long perished and have now become a shell of its former self. At its core, Covenant wants to be a tense, action packed science fiction film but it fails to realize that it's merely a b-horror slasher movie where all the dumb teenagers are replaced with dumb scientists and the slasher is a silly looking cg monster. It's doubtful at this point whether future films will garner the level of reputation of its first two films. It's doubtful at this point if this franchise can be saved at all even with Ridley Scott at the helm. Besides some great body horror practical effects and sound mixing, and two really good performances from Michael Fassbender, there's nothing else in this movie for anyone. Do yourself a solid favour and skip this one.