"Colossal" is a beautifully staged giant monster movie that somehow works as a brilliant metaphor for alcoholism. I've always wanted to string those words together in a sentence.
We follow Anne Hathaway's character through a darkly comedic and heart felt journey through urban and psychological desolation where she is forced to confront her own monsters in the most literal way possible. To avoid any spoilers, the way the antagonist is handled works great thematically but before that's realized, there's a weird abrupt turn of events that unfortunately wasn't set up too well. I could've let this moment slide but the movie does such a great job at setting everything else up, I expected it to handle its character turn better than it did. That being said, the moment the third act hits, it feels like the greatest and most satisfying third act since Whiplash.
This movie is a pretty weird one and you'll be surprised by how human it feels from beginning to end. It's extremely well directed, acted, edited. The sound design is worth a mention as well. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it.