"Mother!" is a brutal and blunt representation of the human condition that blends together religion, environmentalism, and a creepy house. In the end, the message is clear but the journey there is a disjointed and actively incomprehensible series of events. Though this is intentional.
We follow a very primal Jennifer Lawrence as the eponymous "mother" (in my opinion, her best performance since Winter's Bone) in a house with Javier "never disappoints" Bardem. For the majority of the movie, things kind of just happen arbitrarily that kind of throws me off everytime I see something that I could remotely cling on to. It kind of throws basic screenwriting rules out the window (yes it's that kind of movie) but at a certain point, everything will gel together... Well, mostly everything. It throws in as much symbolism and craziness as it can at an extremely accelerated rate especially towards the end. I was into it for the most part and I don't think the film is quite as hard to decipher as some people have let on. Though of course there are many ways you can interpret the movie but there's one common interpretation to extrapolate from.
Mother! Is Aronofsky at his most primal and unhinged. If you're not into close up handheld shaky footage or the feeling of cold hopelessness for humanity, you might wanna stay clear of this one.