Not unlike the first Deadpool, its sequel is generic plot laced with some spoof humour and fun characters. If you've seen the first one and loved it, you'll probably love this one as well. That being said, "Deadpool 2" makes fun of clichés and criticizes superhero action movies -yet, it falls into the same clichés that it criticizes which makes me wonder what the point of it all was.
This goes without saying but Ryan Reynolds is perfect as Deadpool. He's borderline annoying but his character and performance has enough nuance to care about. Zazie Beetz's Domino is a joy to watch but, due to the nature of the character, is a boring ass Mary Sue. The movie points this out but, as mentioned before, does nothing about it. It's lazy writing, yes but... well, there's no but. Apparently that's the joke? Josh Brolin's Cable is pretty edgy and he's the perfect straight man trope type character. It's cute to have him on screen with Deadpool but once you really isolate the character on its own and ignore what you might know from the comics, he's kind of simple and boring.
Besides having two great action scenes in it and some fun meta music cues, Deadpool 2 is brought down by its never-ending barrage of pop references, hollow side characters, an emotionless love story and lacks the storytelling chops of other contemporary action movies. Again, if you liked the first one, you'll probably like this one.