It's the same brand of meta-humour you've come to expect with a new Lego movie and a new Lord and Miller script. Lots and lots of references to pop culture that will totally go over kid's heads. Stunning animation as usual with great direction with, at times, lightning pacing that can feel too overwhelming to the point of fatigue. It's a fun movie with some heart that isn't as revolutionary as the first movie and most of the jokes, although fun, generally feel repetitive and will trigger a been-there-done-that-so-why-are-we-doing-this-again type of feeling. But it's a solid sequel with some great twists and a fun watch for the kid inside all of us. It's not awesome but it's still pretty great.
My two favourite artists are literally Elliott Smith and Radiohead and this movie managed to reference both of them and include Batman in the scene. Thank you so much for doing that.