Marriage Story Review
Reminiscent of Bergman's Scenes from a Marriage and Linklater's Before Midnight, Marriage Story tells a tale about a crumbling relationship between two good but flawed individuals. Starring Adam Driver (Kylo "Daddy Issues" Ben), and Scarlett Johnsson (who's able to play any person, tree or, animal) both at the very top of their game. Working off of some of writer/director Noah Baumbach's real life experiences and a very sharp (at times hilarious) script backed by some strong cinematography, gut punching editing and the best film score of the year by Randy Newman. This movie is one of the most brutal portrayals of disillusionment in the family I've ever seen since 2011's A Separation. Part of the movie is about what things could've been if a person had just said something differently or listened, another part of the movie is a rigorous, nasty legal battle where the characters are reduced to things that are less than human, but it all comes back to how it affects the parents and their child.
Marriage Story is definitely a hard watch and is probably gonna ignite some stuff between you and your partner if you decide to watch it with your partner. But it's incredible and worth your time. The one drawback for me is that I don't like kids in movies or in real life. I'm not a fan of the kid in the movie. Just wasn't feeling it. He seems kind of annoying. I don't get what people even see in child-rearing or why they even get married in the first place. But I don't know, maybe that's just me.
PS There's a scene towards the end that's improvised by Laura Dern and it's incredible. She's a treasure.